There are many ways you can make a gift to support philanthropy education at UCLA.
direct gift
Direct gifts—whether cash, check or via credit card—are critically important to the University, because they can be put to work immediately, increasing their impact and extending their reach.
Gifts can be mailed to:
Via USPS: The UCLA Foundation, PO Box 7145, Pasadena, CA 91109-9903
Via FedEx: The UCLA Foundation [ATTN: Patrick Bruno], Lockbox 7145, 14005 Live Oak Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91109-9903 (626)939-2164
Please make your check payable to The UCLA Foundation.
giving from abroad
UCLA welcomes gifts from international alumni and friends. Methods and tax benefits of giving to UCLA vary from country to country. See Giving from Abroad for specific information for donors from Canada, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom and Europe.
securities and wires
Gifts of appreciated securities are tax deductible at their full market value. In most cases, appreciation in the value of the security benefits the University and is not taxable to the donor. Please contact the securities coordinator at (310) 794-3333 for more information. Wiring instructions for cash gifts can be found here. For gifts of stocks or bonds, wiring instructions can be found here.
matching gifts
The easiest way to double—or even triple—your contribution to UCLA is to request a match from your employer. Thousands of companies nationwide support their workforce by making such gifts to the organization and institutions their employees care about. To see if yours is one, check our database of matching gift companies before making a donation…and then watch it grow.
A pledge is a statement of intention to make a gift to UCLA. Donors who seek to defer the bulk of their giving until a future date, or who want to give via installments over time, may use this giving strategy. Pledges are typically made in concert with a preliminary “first installment” gift and provide a source of consistent and dependable funding for the University.
real estate
Real property, either in its entirety or in part, can be deeded to The UCLA Foundation to benefit the University. For residential properties, it is possible to arrange a sizable tax deduction by deeding a home to UCLA, while continuing to occupy the property for life.
In writing a will or living trust, donors can specify that they would like their estate to benefit UCLA. Donors who wish to have their gifts managed by The UCLA Foundation must specifically state in their wills or living trusts that their gifts be made to The UCLA Foundation. Click here for sample bequest language. For information on how to include UCLA in your estate plans, please contact gift planning at (800) 737-8252.